








人生  —   的確苦啊!


活著  —   到底為了什麼?


心理和諧  —   有這麼難嗎?



這個人生腳本   真的是我自己選的嗎?


說真話   老是讓自己受傷!

這趟人生   只是來哇哇叫的嗎?



我把自己的人生    越走越窄    走進自己的死胡同!


被關愛的家人一批評     心靈支柱就倒了

我最討厭的是自己     不是別人

人格特質   需要修正    卻又不想修正



Stop!    Stop! 

Stop complaining

這種時候  我知道最好別再任由流馳騁了!

得趕緊找本書來「開卷有益」    【適時回想起:許添盛醫師寫的「我不只是我」書中


或    看看全民最大黨之類的「爆笑紓壓」電視節目

習充電的時候到了!            【太久沒自我修練了!】


是啊!    是啊!     別做「有百害而無一利」的「毒性、負面思考」了!


Wake up !    Wake up ! 








有兩義: 一為危殆疑不能定




August 17th, 2007 by Steve Pavlina 


Complaining, like all thought patterns, is not mere observation.  Complaining is a creative act.


The more you complain, the more you summon your creative energies to attract something to complain about.


Complaining is not merely about the past.  Whenever you make a complaint, realize you are setting an intention — a goal — for the future.


Complaining is also addictive.  The more you do it, even within your own mind, the more it becomes an ingrained habit and the harder it is to stop.


Complaining and the Law of Attraction

I’ve seen many a person claim to be using the Law of Attraction properly, holding only positive intentions and thinking predominantly about what they want to attract. 


Your thoughts/intentions are not time-bound.  If you’re going to complain at some point in the future, that complaint will subtly affect you today.


Really positive people who are good at manifesting don’t complain.  Even when things don’t go their way, they keep directing their thoughts towards the positive side.


They expect that things will eventually go their way. 


They’re not going to be perfect about it, but this is their dominant pattern.


If you want to create the life you really want, instead of one you merely tolerate, you must eventually uproot the complainer seed. 


This seed is so destructive that it will keep killing the positive seeds you plant. 


When you finally recognize that the complainer seed will continue to sabotage your efforts as long as you harbor it, make the conscious decision to dump it. 

Whenever you catch yourself complaining, visualize that complainer seed, and imagine yourself uprooting it and throwing it away. 


Then visualize a positive thinking seed, plant it, fertilize it, and water it.  Say to yourself, “I hold the seed of happiness.”


Complaining may be a compelling addiction, but it needn’t be a life sentence.





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