1. 劇情: 對【神力】運作機制的說法 ─ 令人深思
對【祈禱】的具體詮釋 ─ 令人耳目一新
2. Rosamund Pike :晉身為演技派
劇中髮型 ─ 超好看
3. 宙斯(連恩尼遜飾)、黑帝斯(雷夫范恩斯飾)
恩怨情節 ─ 令人動容
4. 神 ─ 具人性
人 ─ 具神性
此番理解 : 【震撼 & 振奮】 人心
5. 頗富深意的經典台詞:
Zeus: You will learn someday that being half human, makes you stronger than a god.
Hades: When mortals die, their souls go somewhere -
there's no place where gods go when they die! There's nothing, just oblivion...
Andromeda: We may not be gods. But we do what people say can't be done,
we hope when there isn't any...
whatever odds we face, we prevail.
Agenor: [smacks him] Two days ago, I was locked up in a cell trying, I admit,
to escape being the son of Poseidon!
Look at me now: in the bowels of Tartarus, saving the universe.
Just follow the Navigator.
Zeus: Hades, I am so sorry for having done this to you. Can you ever forgive me?
Hades: Why do you ask this?
Zeus: Because I forgive you, for this.
Hades: All my power is spent. Who knows, I may be stronger without it...