1. 2 / 22 觀影時,觀眾還很少
2 / 25 再去看時,應是奧斯卡頒獎已揭曉
2. Jennifer Lawrence 所飾的 Tiffany :坦率、嗆辣又聰明
【臉部表情、眼神流轉】&【肢體語言】&【聲音語調爆發力】: 靈動吸睛、詮釋功力一流
盤起髮髻 ─ 【背影 & 頸部線條】美呆了!
3. 怎樣才叫正常人?
正不正常 ─ 由誰定義 ?
Pat 的好友 Ronnie、Danny
Pat 的父親
以及 Tiffany
4. 個體積神狀態的【影響因素】:除了「外在客觀」上的 ─ 互動、情境 ..... 〈被動引發情緒〉
「內在主體」自我 ─ 有無自覺、意願、決心與策略 ─ 應同屬要素 〈主動覺察控制〉
5. 令人印象深刻的對白: 《 http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1045658/quotes?ref_=tt_trv_qu 》
Pat: You have poor social skills.
You have a problem.
Tiffany: I have a problem?
You say more inappropriate things than appropriate things.
Tiffany: I opened up to you, and you judged me.
Tiffany: I do this! Time after time after time!
I do all this shit for other people!
And then I wake up and I'm empty! I have nothing!